Grading and Evaluation:

Telos instructors are tough but charitable graders and always try to keep in mind that this is God’s revealed truth and not just a subject. ‘A’ grades are not dished out ‘ten-a-penny’ as a quaint English phrase has it. If your work deserves an ‘A’ it will get one. But please do not take umbrage if you receive less than you think you deserve. If you think we have made a mistake (it can happen) all you need to do is talk it over with us at a convenient time.

Performance Description Letter Grade  G.P.A.
Excellent An exceptional piece of work
displaying research beyond
that which was assigned
Good A good standard of work which fulfills all requirements B
Satisfactory Work shows some grasp of content yet falls below expectations B-
Unsatisfactory Serious problems in course comprehension, but recoverable*
*One time only! A student may stay in the program provided they improve subsequently
(We don't give 'D's)
Fail Virtually no grasp of course requirements F 1.33
Incomplete Work is not finished in time, for good reason I N/A

Grading Criteria:

Simpler is better. It is easy to view papers in four parts. For reference, each section of the criteria is worth a maximum of 25 points or 25%. The professor will work according to the following guidelines:

  1. Is the assignment in on time with everything in order and attached?
  2. Does the assignment include all that was stipulated as required? E.g. appropriate/correct headings, formatting, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, outlines, etc. This is especially important for the papers.
  3. Does the assignment contain all of the subject matter and address the intended purpose of the writing?
  4. Does the assignment exhibit a good comprehension of the matter under consideration? Does the student demonstrate a capable grasp of the lectures and readings for the class, and has he/she tried to make them their own?

Grading Table

Criteria Points/Percentage
Punctuation/Good Order 25
 Correct Formatting 25
Content/Subject-Matter 25
Comprehension/Competence 25

Grading Scale for Calculating GPA

A (96-100) 4.00
A- (94-95) 3.67
B+ (91-93) 3.33
B (88-90) 3.00
B- (86-87) 2.67
C+ (83.85) 2.33
C (80-82) 2.00
Inc ------ --

Course Expectations:

The student should expect to spend about six to eight hours per week on each course. Those who read or type slowly may need to plan for a little more time than this. You will need a computer that can access the Internet at reasonably high speed to download audio/MP3, have an email address that you check faithfully, and the ability to use a word processor such as Word or Open Office. Documents must be stored and sent to TBI in Microsoft Word (.doc) focmat. You will also need to be able to play media files using Windows Media Player, Apple’s Quicktime, or a similar program, or stored/played on an MP3 player.

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